Belizean Powder Buns
In Belize, the locals called it “pow-da buns”. It is a delicious cross between a cookie and a scone or biscuit. They are served with butter, jam, marmalade or cheese. Or eaten plain. It is extremely simple to make and does not take a long amount of time.
Cooking Mode Disabled
Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and spices.
Add shortening and butter to dry ingredients and mix.
Add evaporated and coconut milk.
Add Vanilla.
Add beaten egg.
Add raisins.
Mix all ingredients with large spoon or danish dough whisk, use an ice-cream scoop to place Dough mixture on baking sheet.
Makes approximately 24 powder buns. -
Bake at 375 degrees for approximately 20 to 25 minutes on the middle oven rack.